Paper Submission

Papers are written in Turkish and English. A participant can present a maximum of 2 papers. Papers should be prepared using the templates in the links below.

Verbal Presentations

Oral presentations should be prepared in the form of full text or extended abstract. Oral presentations should be sent to the congress e-mail address, Papers sent outside of this e-mail will not be accepted. Oral presentations must not have been presented or published in other conferences or journals. This should be clearly stated when sending a notice by e-mail. The papers to be presented at the congress should be related to the main topics of the congress, contribute to the scientific development and give a conclusion message. Since the full texts of the submitted papers will be published in the e-congress book, attention should be paid to spelling errors and must be prepared in accordance with the template. It is kindly requested that the studies prepared in full text upon the request of an oral presentation should be prepared using the full paper template below and that the spelling rules written in this template should be followed.

Poster Notice

Poster papers should be prepared in Turkish and English abstracts. Poster presentations should be sent to the congress e-mail address of the oral presentations, Papers sent outside of this e-mail will not be accepted. Poster papers must not have been presented or published in other conferences or journals. This should be clearly stated when sending a notice by e-mail. It is recommended that the studies accepted as poster presentations by the Congress Scientific Committee should be prepared in the form of posters in 35cm×50cm or 50cm×70cm size to be presented during the congress. It is kindly requested that the studies prepared in Turkish and English abstract form upon the request of a poster paper should be prepared using the poster abstract template below and that the spelling rules in this template should be followed.

Full Paper Template:

Extended Abstract Paper Template:

Poster Paper Template: