About Congress

Dear Health Administrators, Academicians and Students,

The "Health and Hospital Administration Congress", which is a scientific study congress in the field of Health Management, is held regularly every year at different universities. The Health and Hospital Administration Congress is a large organization that has been held for years. At the international level, it was first held on 13-15 October 2017, “1th International 11th National Health and Hospital Administration Congress” was started to be organized.

The Congress is organized to deal with the developments and problems in the world and Turkey from a scientific point of view, to evaluate them and offer solutions. In addition to prominent local and foreign invited speakers, academicians, representatives of public and private health institutions, managers of hospitals and health institutions, and sector representatives are invited to the congress. In addition to panels, meetings, oral and poster presentations, various training and courses are given at the congress.

In the Health and Hospital Administration Congress, many topics are determined and current issues and problems in the field of Health Management are addressed. In the 5th International 15th National Health and Hospital Administration Congress, “Health Services Management, Health Information Technologies, Organizational Behavior in Health Institutions, Public Relations in Health Institutions, Strategic Management in Health Institutions, Financial Management in Health Institutions, Production and Operations Management in Health Institutions, Long Periodic Care Services, Ethics in Health Services, Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Health Sector, Health Communication, Health Sociology, Health Tourism, Health Management in Times of Crisis, Management Sciences, Health Law, Rational Drug Use, Quantitative Techniques in Health Management, Reflection of Health Personnel Migration to Health Services, Integrated Health Services, One Health, Health Ecosystem, Remote Health Services, Employment in Health Services, Technology and Health Services, Post-Pandemic Health Services, Circular Economy, Scientific Ethics in Academic Processes, Hospital Architecture, Digital Marketing in Health Services, Health Services Logistics and Supply Chain, Violence in Health, Nosocomial Infections (Responsibility of Hospital Management), Health Economics” were chosen as the subject headings.

Many oral and poster presentations are presented within the scope of the congress. It is planned to invite local and foreign invited speakers, academicians, representatives of public and private health institutions, managers of hospitals and health institutions, and sector representatives to the 5th International 15th National Health and Hospital Administration Congress. The main theme of the congress this year has been determined as “Sustainable Health System and Future Information Technologies”.

At Ondokuz Mayıs University Faculty of Health Sciences Health Management Department, we are pleased to invite you to the 5th International 15th National Health and Hospital Administration Congress, which we will organize in Samsun between 13-15 October 2022.

I hope that our congress will be held in a more efficient and quality manner with your support and participation, and I present my respects and greetings.



Head of Congress Organizing Committee

Ondokuz Mayıs University